What Is Thinking with Images?

Avant, Vol. X, No. 2/2019, doi: 10.26913/avant.2019.02.08
published under license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Piotr Kozak                          Krystyna Bielecka           Jakub R. Matyja
University of Białystok         University of Warsaw        SWPS University
piotr.kozak1 @ gmail.com

Received 23 October 2019; accepted 30 October 2019; published 27 December 2019.       Download full text

When one calculates whether a table will fit into the space between a wall and a cupboard, it is likely that a calculation of this sort will be carried out by forming a mental image of the table, the wall, and the cupboard. If I think about my beloved, it is quite plausible that I will bring up a mental image of the one I love. […]

Keywords: cognitive; image; mind; representation; thinking


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