
Issue Title
Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Feminism as Interventions Odkryć ukryte... Praca socjalna w Polsce z perspektywy women’s/gender/feminist studies Abstract
Anna Kola
Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Feminism as Interventions Of Other Spaces, of Other Times – Towards New Materialist Politics of Squatting Abstract  PDF
Monika Rogowska-Stangret
Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Feminism as Interventions The Human Dream of Power. The Portrait of Science as a Conceptual Heritage of the Modern Era Abstract  PDF
Aleksandra Derra
Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Feminism as Interventions An interregnum: masculinity and British fiction at the turn of the century Abstract  PDF
Katarzyna Więckowska
Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Feminism as Interventions Czy feminizm zmienił naukę? [Przekład: Aleksandra Derra i Natalia Kurdubska] Abstract
Londa Schiebinger
Vol 8, No 2 (2017): Haunted Cultures / Haunting Cultures The Haunting Presence of the Feminine: Virginia Woolf in the Streets of London Abstract  PDF
Agnieszka Pantuchowicz
1 - 6 of 6 Items

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