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Wacewicz, Sławomir, Center for Language Evolution Studies (CLES) Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Wachowski, Witold M., Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Science
Wachowski, Witold M., Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Wachowski, Witold, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAS
Wachowski, Witold
Waleszczyński, Andrzej, Institute of Philosophy, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw.
Wennekers, Thomas, Cognition Institute, Plymouth University, UK School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, Plymouth University, UK
Whalley, Joanne “Bob”, School of Humanities and Performing Arts, Plymouth University, UK
Więckowska, Katarzyna ---, Nicolaus Copernicus University
Więckowska, Katarzyna, Department of English Nicolaus Copernicus University


Zaksaite, Tara, The Open University, UK


Łucznik, Klara, CogNovo Plymouth University, UK
Łucznik, Klara, Plymouth University, UK

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