Projekt kuratorsko-artystyczny FEMININE / kobieca kunstkamera

Katarzyna Lewandowska


The article presents the works of Polish female artists belonging to the curato- rial-artistic project FEMININE. It can be also called a kind of ongoing interven- tion. The first exhibition took place in 2011 in the gallery Wozownia in Toruńand has continued since then. The cycle functions uninterrupted, deeply em- bedded in the concrete ideas closely related to the feminist art and the female experience entangled in the body, biology and emotions, already reworked in the artistic, cultural and social context. All artists invited to take part in FEM- ININE project have been carefully chosen for several important reasons. First of all, the decision has been made due to the subjective, individual choice and the aesthetic, ethical preferences of the curator. Secondly, it is also important that these talented artists – for various reasons – do not belong to the main- stream of the contemporary art.

The presentation of the exhibitions which follows has taken the form of short, personal impressions, created spontaneously after the first contact with the works. Hence, it is more of a notebook with important notations which can be treated as a first step towards deeper scientific analysis, yet to be done.


Polish female artists, intervention, feminism, corporality, emotion

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