
Issue Title
Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Feminism as Interventions Innowacje genderowe. Studium przypadku: Nauka. Genetyka różnicowania płciowego [Przekład: Aleksandra Derra, Konsultacje merytoryczne: Milena Kulasek] Abstract
Londa Schiebinger, Ineke Klinge, Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Martina Martina Schraudner
Vol 8 (2017): Off the Lip: Collaborative Approaches to Cognitive Innovation Counterfactual Imagination as a Mental Tool for Innovation Abstract  PDF
Monika Chylińska
Vol 8 (2017): Off the Lip: Collaborative Approaches to Cognitive Innovation Integration of Processes in the Study of Insight and Innovation Abstract  PDF
Thea Ionescu, Alexandra Marian, Paula Moldovan, Beatrix Perde, Roxana Vescan, Calin Hopsitar, Doris Rogobete, Ligia Suciu
Vol 8 (2017): Off the Lip: Collaborative Approaches to Cognitive Innovation Displacing Creativity: Artists, Space Scientists and Audience-Led Television in 1970s India Abstract  PDF
Joanna Griffin
Vol 8 (2017): Off the Lip: Collaborative Approaches to Cognitive Innovation How Do Selected National Funding Agencies Communicate the Concept of Cognitive Innovation on Their Public Website? Abstract
Mona Nasser
Vol 8 (2017): Off the Lip: Collaborative Approaches to Cognitive Innovation Academic Carelessness, Bootstrapping, and the Cybernetic Investigator Abstract
Hannah Drayson
Vol 8 (2017): Off the Lip: Collaborative Approaches to Cognitive Innovation Cognitive Innovation, Irony and Collaboration Abstract
Michael Punt, Susan L. Denham
1 - 7 of 7 Items

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