Integration of Processes in the Study of Insight and Innovation

Thea Ionescu, Alexandra Marian, Paula Moldovan, Beatrix Perde, Roxana Vescan, Calin Hopsitar, Doris Rogobete, Ligia Suciu


Humans are known to be able to solve problems creatively, but how exactly this occurs is still a matter of debate. Insight problem solving is one important way to study creativity in adults, but studies that use this method with preschool children are rare. In this paper, we present two studies: one in which the problem is solved with known objects (participants were preschool children aged 4 to 7 years) and one in which new objects were created (participants were children aged 5 to 6 years and adults). For both studies, results are discussed in relation to the various processes that can explain insight problem solving. We argue that the integration of these processes under the overarching variability–stability–flexibility pattern might be a better way to investigate insight and ultimately to understand innovation.


innovation; insight; novelty

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Copyright (c) 2018 Thea Ionescu, Alexandra Marian, Paula Moldovan, Beatrix Perde, Roxana Vescan, Calin Hopsitar, Doris Rogobete, Ligia Suciu