A book review
Avant, Vol. X, No. 3/2019, doi: 10.26913/avant.2019.03.01
published under license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Zuzanna Rucińska
Centre for Philosophical Psychology
University of Antwerp
zuzannaaleksandra.rucinska @ uantwerpen.be
Published Online First 19 July 2019 Download full text
Enactivist Interventions promotes the strengths of an enactive approach to cognitive science and philosophy of mind. In short, the book emphasises the key points of the enactivist tradition, which can be summed up in the following way: cognition is not reducible to brain processes alone, that cognition is principally embodied and embedded, and thereby, the science of the mind should include the body and environmental factors in an important way. Further, the book highlights the enactivist position to cognitive domains such as action, perception and free will. It gives a historical overview that includes the role of embodiment, phenomenology and pragmatism in shaping the enactivist conception of the mind. It also applies some of the modern findings in developmental psychology and neuroscience.
Keywords: cognitive science; enactivism; cognition; mind; body; environment
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