The Self and the Other Beyond Landscape and Language

A review of Concrete Horizons: Romantic Irony in the Poetry of David Malouf and Samuel Wagan Watson by Ruth Barratt-Peacock

Avant, Vol. XII, No. 3,
published under license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Bernadetta Jankowska
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Received 18 December 2021; accepted 21 December 2021; published Online First 29 December 2021.
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Abstract: Concrete Horizons: Romantic Irony in the Poetry of David Malouf and Samuel Wagan Watson by Ruth Barratt-Peacock is a multidimensional study devoted to the poetic output of two contemporary Australian poets. The book is an essential publication in which the main motifs and themes of David Malouf and Samul Wagan Watson’s poetry are analysed. Moreover, by applying the concept of Romantic irony, Barratt-Peacock develops a new approach towards the poetry of the Antipodes.

Keywords: Australian poetry; Romantic irony; Indigenous writing; David Malouf; Samuel Wagan Watson; Ruth Barratt-Peacock


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