The Virtuality and Actuality of Dance Movements in José Gil’s Considerations

Avant, Vol. XIV, No. 1,
published under license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Miloš Ševčík orcid-id
Department of Aesthetics, Faculty of Arts,
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts,
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.;

Received 17 February 2022; accepted 29 December 2022; published Online First 6 January 2023.
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Abstract: The article deals with José Gil’s considerations on the relationships between the virtuality and the actuality of the dancing body. At first, it analyses Gil’s idea of projecting the current position of the dancing body into virtual images and explores Gil’s notion of the multiplicity of virtuality. Further, it demonstrates how in the space of the body a consistent compound of movements is created at the level of the monstrous virtual body. Finally, the article emphasizes that, despite the connections between the actual position of the body and its virtual images, there is a fundamental distinction between the actuality and the virtuality of the dancing body. It shows that the idea of the distinction between the virtual and the actual reflects Gil’s concept of virtual memory as a zone of accumulated possibilities of movement.

Keywords: José Gil; virtuality; actuality; dance; body


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