Polish Cognitive Science
Avant, Volume VII, Issue 2/2016. ISSN: 2082-6710. Editors of the Issue: Przemysław Nowakowski, Witold Wachowski.
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1. Michał Klincewicz: Temporal mental qualities and selective attention
2. Paweł Grabarczyk & Marek Pokropski: Perception of Affordances and Experience of Presence in Virtual Reality
3. Marcin Miłkowski: Integrating cognitive (neuro)science using mechanisms
4. Sławomir Wacewicz: A contemporary look at language origins
5. Piotr Konderak: On evolution of thinking about semiosis: semiotics meets cognitive science
6. Grzegorz J. Nalepa: Diversity of Rule-based Approaches: Classic Systems and Recent Applications
7. Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi: Reconciled with complexity in research on cognitive systems
Filip Stawski: Instynkt tonalny / Tonality Instinct [pl]
Note: the articles included in the issue were published separately in online first mode from December 2016 to February 2018.
This publication has been financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education from the funds for the dissemination of research (DUN) within the framework of publishing activity, contract no. 606/P-DUN/2016, period of implementation: the years 2016-17.
Cover: These pictures are derivatives of ?#painters #tape #art #abstract #blue? by Lauren Coolman, used under CC BY 2.0. The pictures are licensed under CC BY 2.0 by JanMat.