Avant, Vol. XIII, No. 2, https://doi.org/10.26913/avant.2202214
published under license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Kamila Biały*
Department of Sociology of Art, University of Lodz
*corresponding author: kamila.bialy@gmail.com
Piotr F. Piasek
University of Lodz
Received 18 February 2021; accepted 17 June 2022; published 31 December 2022.
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Abstract: An article that reflects on the adaptation of a phenomenologically inspired approach within sociological epistemology. Using two sociological as examples perspectives – interpretivism and critical theory – we point at the normative assumptions common to both approaches. We suggest these are responsible for the impossibility of transgressing dichotomization and mediation – two features continuously reproduced within social sciences. With the use of phenomenologically inspired non-dichotomous epistemology we offer a way to work around these limitations. It is possible, we argue, thanks to the application of the categories of intentionality and responsiveness, to ground sociology in a non-dichotomous, and hence expanded, paradigm.
Keywords: non-dichotomous epistemology; phenomenology; interpretivism; critical theory; responsiveness; intentionality
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