Of Other Spaces, of Other Times – Towards New Materialist Politics of Squatting

Monika Rogowska-Stangret


In the article the author reflects on the meaning of politics in a new- materialist framework. She concentrates predominantly on two political di- mentions – space and time. With reference to that, the author develops the concept of politics of squatting. Its spatial aspect is investigated along the lines of the notion of heterotopia, coined by Michel Foucault, and its temporal as- pect is analyzed through the concept of heterochrony (Foucault) and Darwini- an evolution as interpreted by Elizabeth Grosz. The concept of politics of squatting is then juxtaposed with nomadism (vide Rosi Braidotti). Finally, the author provides a case study by elaborating on the anti-gender campaign that began in 2012-2013 in Poland from the perspective of politics of squatting.


rationality; objectivity; modern science; gender; gender problem in science

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