Linda Hutcheon’s Theory of Parody and Its Application to Postmodern Music
Parody—a particular case of intertextuality—is an important term for scientists interested in modern and postmodern art. Linda Hutcheon stated that 20th century parody, to be found in every kind of art, is a repetition with critical difference. It is composed of two structural levels, of which the first one is an authority, the second—a transgression of the authority. Its entire act of enunciation includes also a pragmatic frame, i.e. the intent of parody, which spreads from comedy through neutrality to seriousness. From the author’s point of view, the compositions of Paweł Szymański (born in 1954) are interesting examples ofmusical parodies from the last decades. Among them are the second study from Two Stud- ies for piano (1986) and Through the Looking Glass...I for chamber orchestra (1987). Both these pieces are two-level and algorithmic music. The parodied texts consist of basic deter- minants of the baroque style, such as regular semiquaver rhythm and tonal configurations, expressed either by melody or by harmony. The parodying texts, which we hear, are certain mixtures of baroque and contemporary elements. Besides motoric rhythm and tonal melody or harmony, there are post-tonal fragments, a new timbre, spaciousness, fragmentation, new kinds of articulation and schematic dynamics. Taking the issue of ethos into consideration,Szymański’s parodies are serious, since baroque texts are treated as authorities.
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Other Sources:
Paweł Szymański, the second study from Two Studies for Piano:
[Score] Szymański, P. 1987. Dwie etiudy na fortepian. Warszawa: Brevis.
[CD] Szymański, P. 1997. Paweł Szymański. Partita III, Lux aeterna, Partita IV, Dwie etiudy, Miserere. Warszawa: Accord Music Edition.
[CD] Szymański, P. 2006a. Paweł Szymański. Works for Piano. Maciej Grzybowski. Piano. EMI Music Poland.
Paweł Szymański, Through the Looking Glass...I for Chamber Orchestra:
[Score] Szymański, P. 2006b. Through the Looking Glass...I for Chamber Orchestra. London:
Chester Music.
[DVD] Festiwal Muzyki Pawła Szymańskiego [=FMPSz]. 2007. Warszawa: Polskie Wydawnictwo Audiowizualne [DVD3].
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