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Copyright (c) 2018 Jacek Mydla, Anne Keithline
Jacek Mydla
Uniwersytet Śląski / University of Silesia
Jacek Mydla is Assistant Professor at the Institute of English Cultures and Literatures, University of Silesia, Poland. He holds an MA in philosophy (the Catholic University of Lublin) and in English (the University of Silesia), as well as a PhD and a post-doctoral degree in literary studies. He conducts research and lectures in the history of British literature, specifically Gothic fiction and drama, and theory of narrative. His book-length publications are: The Dramatic Potential of Time in Shakespeare (2002), Spectres of Shakespeare (2009), and The Shakespearean Tide (2012). Forthcoming is a book on the ghost stories of M. R. James.
Anne Keithline
Anne Keithline is an independent scholar from the United States. Her primary research interest is Joseph Conrad, with a special interest in the history of Conrad Studies in Poland and, currently, Conrad’s ghosts. A graduate of the University of Massachusetts (Lowell), for the past four years she has headed a New England-based tour company whose mission is to preserve and propagate regional history and ghost lore. Anne is a regular contributor of book reviews and other materials to the American Conrad Society’s Joseph Conrad Today.
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