Haunted Cultures / Haunting Cultures
Avant, Volume VIII, Issue 2/2017. ISSN: 2082-6710. Editors of the Issue: Edyta Lorek-Jezińska and Katarzyna Więckowska.
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Edyta Lorek-Jezińska and Katarzyna Więckowska: Applied Hauntologies: Spectral Crossings and Interdisciplinary Deconstructions
Part One: Ghost Writing
1. Tadeusz Rachwał: Spectres of Paper: Writing, Digitization, and the End(s) of the Book
2. Michał Krzykawski: J’accepte: Jacques Derrida’s Cryptic Love by Unsealed Writing
3. Juan Evaristo Valls Boix: “The Art of Writing Posthumous Papers”: Kierkegaard and the Spectral Audience
Part Two: Un-burying Ghosts
4. Arthur Redding: Burial Grounds and Dead Lovers: Places of Interment in the Gothic Modernism of the American South
5. Zuzanna Szatanik: On the Threshold: Haunting Transgressions in Gaétan Soucy’s The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches
6. Anna Branach-Kallas: Crypts, Phantoms, and Cultural Trauma: A Hauntological Approach to Recent British First World War Fiction
7. Aleksandra Kędzierska: Dermot Bolger’s Ghosting the War
Part Three: Spectral Media
8. Anne Keithline and Jacek Mydla: The Gaze of the Spectral Setting in the 1968 BBC Adaptation of M. R. James’s “Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad”
9. Edyta Lorek-Jezińska: Hauntology, Performance and Remix: Paradise // Now?
10. Anna Kisiel: Spectral—Fragile—(Un)homely: The Haunting Presence of Francesca Woodman in the House and Space2 Series
11. Tymon Adamczewski: Hauntology of Responsibility: Tom Stoppard’s Darkside
Part Four: Ghostly Legacies
12. Barbara Klonowska: Haunting across the Class Divide: Sarah Waters’s Affinity and The Little Stranger
13. Katarzyna Więckowska: Spectral Economies in Graham Swift’s Mothering Sunday: A Romance
14. Agnieszka Pantuchowicz: The Haunting Presence of the Feminine: Virginia Woolf in the Streets of London
15. Paweł Pyrka: Haunting Poe’s Maze: Investigative Obsessions in the Weird Fictions of Stefan Grabiński and H. P. Lovecraft
1. Mirosława Buchholtz: Of Maps and Monsters: A Discussion of Being (Non)Human, or on the Topography of “Monsters” Medieval and Modern by Liliana Sikorska
2. Katarzyna Więckowska and Edyta Lorek-Jezińska: Spectral Uncertainties: A Review of Precarity and Loss: On Certain and Uncertain Properties of Life and Work by Tadeusz Rachwał [Abstract]
3. Marek Jeziński: A Book Review of Duchologia polska. Rzeczy i ludzie w latach transformacji by Olga Drenda [Abstract]
Anna Kola: About the Artist
Download the whole issue 2/2017 [21,59 MB]
This publication has been financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education from the funds for the dissemination of research (DUN) within the framework of publishing activity, contract no. 606/P-DUN/2016, period of implementation: the years 2016-17.