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Copyright (c) 2018 Guy Edmonds, Shaun Lewin
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Guy Edmonds
ORCID iD CogNovo
Plymouth University, UK
Guy Edmonds is a professional film restorer and archivist and Marie Curie fellow of Early Cinema and Cognitive Creativity at Plymouth University where he is a member of the CogNovo doctoral training programme. His research interests revolve around exploring and understanding the affective potential of the moving image, especially in regard to early film technology and historical film material.
Shaun Lewin
Plymouth University, UK
I started out as an ecologist but after a period watching and counting organisms, I decided I was happier making maps of other people's observations. Cartography has proven to be a fascinating journey through a heterogenous assemblage of oeconomics, communal map making and data visualisation. This work has had an impact upon me that exceeds the interests of my customers, so I share sounds, images and words that constitute my making sense of making sense of the world.
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